Sunday, March 18, 2012

Friends...They Just Don't Understand

The doctoral process is a really unique thing. There are many high points and even more low points. Most of the low points have to deal with personal situations. Now, the funny thing about me is that I am a happy loner. I love to be alone. However, my friends love to be around me. They wanna go here, go there and I'm like NO! They don't get it. They get mad when I don't show up and when I don't respond. But what they don't understand is that I have 1 responsibility and that it is to finish this dissertation. They are not doctoral students so they have no idea what I am doing and why. I get that. But I don't try to take them away from their obligations. So why do they try to take me from mine? I am trying to secure my life NOW. I am not trying to rip and run then look up, be 35 and stuck like most of them will do. I want to get it now and chill. So I am isolating myself until I am done. I don't care who gets mad, who talks about me, who feels some type of way. This is what I am doing.

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