Thursday, January 5, 2012

Late in the Paint...

While I frequently used the phrase "from a disadvantaged background" as a tool to secure 100% tuition and stipend, I truly never associated myself with the phrase. As a lass, I had all of the latest threads and I never wanted for anything. But today, I realized that I truly am from disadvantaged origin. As a doctoral student learning the academic process, disadvantaged has taken on a whole new meaning. You see, like most black folk, I didn't grow up with a Ph.D parent or family member. I barely even knew what it was. I was never privy to the process. I came into this game with the belief that I could do it. But unfortunately, as all academically inclined (read nerds) find;, being smart is not enough. We tend to think that we can just float through the process and rest on our academic laurels; but that it not the case. I didn't know how important it was to time publications, workshop presentations, seminar attendances, and certification program enrollment. I hear my colleagues speak of their PhD moms and dads and how they've been doing XYZ for the last two years and I am like "why didn't I get the memo?" But then I had to remember that there is no memo for US. There is no inside information because there are barely any insiders. But it is revelations such as this that reaffirm my purpose. That is, to be that black girl that goes first and learns the hard way so that I can send out memos to all of the black girls standing beside and behind me. It is hard, but someone has to do it. So while I was late getting to the paint, it's time for me to turn on Wacka Flocka Radio and go hard in that muth@f&cka.

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